Using the PLS-4 on a 7 Yr Old

by Kris

I would like someones opinion on using the PLS-4 or even the CELF-PRE, on an 7-0 yr old, when the tests only go up to 6:11.

Obviously, I am using this test on an child that is functioning at an age lower than his. So, considering this, and age-norms, Do you guys feel it is Ok for eligibility?

Just wanted to hear someone else's opinion. The child in question, has just turned 7 a couple of days ago.

Thanks in advance

Speech Path MS CCC

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Apr 15, 2015
thanks mary
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your opinion Mary Lu,

That is exactly my methodology of going into the testing. I feel as long as you can justify the reason for using it then hopefully it is making sense to anyone having doubts. Now, then you would have to go into "how to justify appropriately."

Ha, one thing I like about SLP is that no case is the same but this broad presentation does make it difficult to have a "1 language test fit all."

I do the best I can with what I know and the tools available.

Apr 15, 2015
Using pls-4
by: Mary Lu

If this child is very low functioning, you could try explaining why you are using a test slightly outside norms--the test was judged to be best to not only identify if of language impairment is present but also best to provide descriptive information regarding specific language milestones (or something like that).

Then to justify services you can explain that in spite of being one month older than the norms used the child still only scored at the ---percentile.

If you have a supervisor or Ec director I would run this by them first. From my reading of our state guidelines you could do this as long as you can justify your methodology.

Apr 15, 2015
PLS for older child
by: Anonymous

thanks for the input; that would be optimal but i am delivering services in the middle of the pacific ocean/small island with pretty old materials.

however, then my question would be can we use a test for an 8 yr old, when the test goes to 7:11 for eligibility.

I am just interested on how people view this scenario. I like using the PLS in certain scenarios because it is more client centered. I will probably use again on an older kid if needed.


Apr 15, 2015
by: Rosario

Use the PLS-5 instead, or borrow it from somebody if you do not have it, as this newly revised version tests up to 7years; 11 months.

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