65 Speech Therapy Word Lists for Speech Therapy Practice

Targeted Word Lists
for Speech Therapy Practice

The speech therapy word lists are perfect for anyone who needs practice with speech and language concepts. For any type of practice...

...you need words to get started.

Now I don't know about you, but when I need to think of targeted words to use...

...I suffer from spontaneous memory loss, or SML.

It's more common than you might think ;)

This page has words for anyone to practice articulation, apraxia, language, phonology, or stuttering principles. They will help children and adults be successful meeting their goals. 

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Each list of articulation sounds contains words with the target sound in the beginning, middle, and end position, including blends when applicable, as well as words that...

  • are common and functional (words we use all day...everyday)
  • are mostly 1 syllable (multi-syllabic words are more difficult)
  • have a phonemic context that don't interfere with production of the target sound (most words)


If "R" is the problem sound using the word "Rope" makes saying the "R" sound harder because the "O" sound is considered a round vowel.

A round vowel is one where you round your lips to say it. Go ahead...try it by saying "O" as in "boat". You rounded your lips didn't you? I thought you might.

Children who have difficulty with the "R" sound tend to say the "W" sound...they say "Wabbit" instead of "Rabbit".

The "W" sound is considered a rounded sound too. Try saying the "W" sound without rounding your lips...you can't because that is how the sound is made.

So by pairing the "R" sound with the "O" sound like in the word "Rope", this makes the word extra difficult for a child who has a problem saying the "R" sound because the "O" that follows the "R" will naturally make them want to round there lips.

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Social Language

SEE ALSO: The Best Books for Speech Therapy Practice

Speech therapy books for targeting multiple goals

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