Understanding My 3 Year Old's Sentences

by Rebecca

I have a three year old who has some speech issues.

When you ask her to say words individually you can more or less understand what she is saying however when she talks in sentences she is sometimes completely incomprehensible.

She will miss out words and mis-pronounces lots of the sounds that she can say in single words correctly.

She also has difficulty saying all the parts of words and will sometimes miss off syllables.

Why would my daughter have more difficuly saying sentences rather than single words and what can I do to help her?



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May 08, 2012
3 yo
by: mtmaryslp

Hi Rebecca,

There are many reasons why your child may have difficulty stringing words together to make sentences.

Sometimes children have difficulty with the speed or rate of speech. Sometimes it's vowel difficulties, sometimes other things.

A good rule of thumb is if you are able to understand her less than 80% of the time, and she's three, she should see a speech-language pathologist for an evaluation.

Truthfully, if you have any concerns, it's worth a check.

Since she is three, if you live in the United States, she is eligible to receive a free evaluation through your local school.

If she qualifies, she is entitled to receive free speech-language services through the school as well.

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