Too Old for Speech Therapy?

by Sue

My 16 year old son is very difficult to understand when he speaks.

He has been back in speech therapy for the past year, but they are only working on his /r/ sounds.

I know he needs more than this, but not sure.

When my son talks it sometimes sounds garbled, like he is running his words together. He also tends to leave off some sounds at the end of words.

Any suggestions on how to help would be great!

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Jul 21, 2021
Someone with similar issues
by: Anonymous

So I’m 17, and I struggle with similar problems. After much research, I found out that I have a fluency disorder called cluttering and it sounds like your 16 year old might have it to. I’m no expert though, but I hope this helps.

Oct 11, 2018
Is it too late for a 17 yr. old to have speech therapy
by: Anonymous

I have a 17 year old granddaughter who cannot speak with any fluency. I tried for years to tell her parents there was a problem. She has no problem with writing and her grades are good. She is a girl with few words. She struggles to get out what she needs to say. She is extremely nasaly (sic) and it concerns me about her going to college and getting a job.

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