TH Fronting (Mispronouncing "TH" as "V" or "F")

My 13 year old son still does th-fronting.

He can pronounce the words correctly, he just forgets (he also has dyslexia and short-term memory problems). I continually correct him but have been doing this for years to no avail.

Would speech therapy help, or is this really for people who are unable to say 'th' properly? Is there anything you can suggest that might help?


Comments for TH Fronting (Mispronouncing "TH" as "V" or "F")

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Mar 05, 2022
I do this
by: Anonymous

I mean, I also do this. I pronounce my TH’s with an F, and it’s not because of an accent or something.

Jan 06, 2020
Commonly accepted in some UK and US Southern Dialects
by: Jeff L.

This pronunciation is becoming more and more normal among adults in many places in the UK and I'm hearing it more often among US South dialects, as well. Interestingly it has arisen independently in the US and UK, and is more prevalent among males. I don't personally care for it and my ear still hears it as a speech defect, but it may not be a battle worth fighting. Google search for "anovver-fing-about-th-fronting" for a brief but interesting blog post (can't put the link here).

Mar 03, 2017
It's the future
by: Anonymous

I assume you are in North America?

This is the future of English in the UK. It might annoy you, but treat it as if you had moved home, e.g. to Australia or California or England, and your son had acquired some aspect of the local accent.

It's not an important clinical issue probably. Aren't there US accents which use /f/ or /v/ for the two versions of "th" - or are they always /t/ or /d/?

(Same need to accept variation and change goes for weak /r/, in the UK).

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