by mom bee
Hi, my daughter (age 16) has a number of different challenges, including several with Speech-Language. I've been trying to get her an IEP for a really long time and the school district finally authorized a full Speech-Language assessment.
She has dyslexia, speech impediment (can't say the letter R), hard time taking part in a reciprocal conversation, hard time understanding and following instructions (written and verbal), hard time retrieving words, and very hard time expressing her ideas in an organized way (written and verbal.)
The S/LP assessment already included the following tests:
CASL Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken language
TOPS Test of Problem Solving
TOPL-2 Test of Pragmatic Language
What other kinds of testing is needed? My understanding is she'd need something like these, or equivalents:
GORT-5 Gray Oral Reading Test
CELF-5 Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals
SCAN-A Test for Auditory Processing Disorders
CTOPP2 Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing
GFTA2 Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation
EOWPVT4 Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests
ROWPVT4 Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests
Thanks in advance for your help,
mom bee
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