Technology-iPad: Proloquo2Go Communication App

by Allison McKee
(Mechanicsburg, Pa)


I am a school based SLP. My caseload, last school year, consisted of several students who used an iPad with the communication app, Proloquo2Go.

I found it rather difficult to target each students individual goals using the two pre-programmed vocabulary organizations to choose from-Core Word and Basic Communication.

Therefore, I spent hours of my personal time, reorganizing and presonalizing students iPads to better meet their communication wants and needs.

I received positive feedback from one of my students private SLP's. She really liked how I reorganized the students iPad. My goal was to make navigation easier for the student.

So, the feedback I received made me think that there might be a 'need' for my services of reorganizing/personalizing Proloquo2Go young-older population.

Do you think there is a need? If there is a need, where do I go from here? I appreciate your help!!



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Mar 26, 2015
Pro Lo Quo To Go App
by: Nathalie Elwood

I have read the comments made with interest, I am a SALT working in UK special schools, the age range of children using this app ranges from 4, sometimes younger, to 19.

I feel it is crucial to individualise the app for each child/student to meet their particulat communication needs.

Our trust promotes referral followed by assessment of suitability for the i pad and PLQTG and this is then followed by provision and a temporary user license for a 6 week trial period.

This has been more successfull than other communication aids used dynamically, eg say it sam and the Grid 2 app, which means there has to be a license and i tunes account which can cause some difficulties.

During this time a block of treatment/support is offered either by an experienced SALTA (assistant) or a SALT, to support the student, their family and learning environment to best trial the i pad and app and to learn how to use it to best help the student.

My dilemma is...

1-How do you think the skills to be learned should be split over the trial period?

2- Whether to use guided access?

I know that to some extent this is dependent on the student but I am exploring and researching what professionals have found works best in terms of teaching the student to operate, initiate and develop their use of the i pad on a functional basis.

For Example:

Week 1: operating the i pad, eg sliding the button, finding the app, and opening it.

It doesn't seem like a lot but the students need time to establish their ability to achieve each stage of use (although many of them have learning disabilities and ASD, for example) it seems they have an innate ability to find you tube etc, although we disable games etc during the trial period at least to focus on the communicative qualities of the i pad rather than games and more solitary opportunities to use the i pad.

Week 2

choosing school or home folder from the home page of PLQTG
choosing a snack from 2 choices, a drink from 2 choices at the snack and mealtime opportunities, where this is modeled to them and then they are encouraged to try it out them selves within a supported session, accumulating each skill as it becomes established, so that the student will independently demonstrate the skills from week 1 in week 2, practice each modeled and practiced skills and build on this until at week 6 the SALT can review the trial period and assess whether the student is using the app on a functional basis or whether it is not felt to be augmenting or adding to their communication.

Anyway I hope you see my point, I just need to produce literature regarding each weeks skill set as it were to support other therapists introducing the student to their i pad and through the initial 6 week trial as this is a very good opportunity to assess whether each student will have the capacity,cognitive ability and prerequisite skills, eg categorising to use the app successfully.

Hope some people have ideas.

Thank You,
Nathalie Elwood

Sep 19, 2013
Individual Programming for Current Skills and Future Goals
by: Anonymous


I'm an SLP in a private middle school for children with special needs. I have a number of students using the Proloquo app for communication.

I have always programmed each of their iPads within the app to meet their individual needs and have never actually used the preprogrammed settings.

One aspect I struggle with at times is deciding the specific format of their home screen, folders/pages. I of course do not want the initial presentation to be overwhelming while they're in the process of learning to use and navigate their devices in order to communicate.

However, I also want to make sure the layout I create can be added to over time to meet their individual needs in the future, without having to change the layout of anything originally formatted.

We know consistency with the layout promotes their ability to navigate their device as a result of their familiarity with their device and their acquired motor plan.

Any suggestions on how to trouble shoot in these situations?


Jul 22, 2013
We Could Use Your Services
by: Carolyn

My name is Carolyn and I work with a non-profit that serves adults with intellectual disabilities. We have recently acquired multiple iPads with Proloqou2go on them and are trying to incorporate their use in our programming.

We have also several individuals who purchased personal iPads and their families are looking for help learning how to help their loved one develop skills in using the software.

If this is something you would be interested in doing, it would be great to speak with you about our different needs for SLP assistance.

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