Suddenly Heartbroken

After reading the (causes)of studdering,it seems my 5 yr old was at high risk.

But he is a very smart, friendly, outgoing little boy and this really bad stuttering just came on so suddenly 2 weeks ago.

Is that typical?

What can I do to help?!

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Jan 15, 2013
Please Don't Be Heartbroken
by: Hollie Barber MS CCC-SLP

I hope that you have talked to an SLP already since you found that your son is high risk. And I hope that he/she told you what I am telling you now.

DON'T WORRY!!! He is very young still and has not been stuttering long - that is if he indeed is stuttering. You need to get him diagnosed to see if his disfluencies are more than 10%.

The SLP should give you a developmental level as well as a severity level that will all help determine his prognosis for fluent speech. Know that his strengths of being outgoing, friendly, and smart all increase his chances for recovery as well.

As far as your question goes of this being typical, I cannot answer that without all the information. Depending on family history and the other high risk factors you say he has, and what has been going on in his life recently to make the stuttering appear, it could be yes or no.

The biggest thing to remember is that you did not cause it, as many parents think they have. Try not to worry and consult an SLP in your area as soon as you can.

If you can't find one, we can work something out online. My heart goes out to you.


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