Stuttering or Babbling After a Stroke

by Sheila Sanford
(Houston, Texas. 77065)

My husband had a minor stroke at the end of July. He has had some speech problems which he had therapy for. However, even since the therapy, sometimes (not always) he will get stuck trying to get his words out and his speech will sound like a bunch of babbling that doesn't make any sense.

This is very frustrating for him. Is this a normal thing that can happen from a stroke, and what are your suggestions for when he gets stuck Iinone of these. H

Thank you


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Jan 20, 2018
stutter after stroke
by: lynn roberts

Hi had a stoke 3 years ago i am now fully recovered except meds for life... but im living a normal life now but about 3 days after my stroke i started to stutter really badly, struggled to get words out and found laughing about it helped with the fustration i also found a didnt stutter when i was singing and swear words went effected lol however as fast as the stuffer came it left me approx 6months later... however it does sometimes come back during stressfull emotional times x

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