Speech App idea


I'm an SLP in Alberta. Last summer,I had an idea to make an App that would send parents age appropriate ideas on how they could stimulate their child's speech and language development. As a start to this and as a place to store the ideas, I set up the website www.IdeasToGrowOn.net. I thought this might be a good way to give parents the information they need and might eventually be a way to make a bit of profit.

If you visit the site you'll see that I am not much of a web designer and have found out that I have even less ability to build an App. I'm at a point where I'm not sure if I should abandon my idea or if I should try to carry on. As I see that you have a successful SLP site, I was wondering if I could get your opinion on my App idea.

Thanks much for your time.

Garth Schindel

- Sorry to send this as a Speech Question - I couldn't get the other email form to work. Thanks.

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