School SLPs and Caseloads?


I was wondering what size caseloads the school-based SLPs out there had?

For those with large numbers, how did you handle balancing therapy sessions with evaluations and meetings?


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Feb 28, 2013
Caseload is not Workload
by: Audrey

Why are you asking? Are you an SLP?

Caseload is not the same thing as workload.

I could have 25 kids on my caseload require more time than 65 kids.

Some kids get seen 3 times a week, others only once a month. Some kids get seen in groups, others individually. Clearly, a child who is seen individually 3 times a week will take up much more time than a child who is seen in a group, once a month.

Caseloads and workloads vary dramatically by school, by district and even by state. So does pay.

If you want to clarify your question a little, I might be able to provide a more specific response.

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