My son is 5 and has a speech problem the school has said he is too young to see a speech therapist is this correct?

by Tom dalton
(Watford )

Hi my son is turning 5 next week and still has a speech problem. He is unable to pronounce quite a few words and it is very hard to understand what he is saying.

He had enlarged tonsils which caused problems when he was sleeping (snoring, holding his breath). We had them taken out 6 months ago. The Doctor told my ex wife once they were out this would help with his speech, but I have not noticed any signs of his speech improving.

I personally contacted his new school and asked about his speech. They told me he is still too young and a speech therapist would not be involved yet. But my girlfriend worked in a school nursery and said that a boy in her class was referred to a hearing test then a speech therapist as he had a speech problem.

I'm growing concerned as my now nearly 3 year old son also doesn't have a lot of speech. He mostly copies what you say and doesn't initiate conversation.

Is my 5 year old too young for a speech therapist like the school is saying? Or can I take this further? Any information would be really appreciated.

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