My Granddaughter is 21 Months Old and Does Not Talk?

by Vickie
(Webberville Michigan)

How can I help my granddaughter talk?

She is 21 months old and does not say any words.

She yells and makes noises but does not say words and she does not even try.

I am so worried. We took her for a hearing test and she does hear.

Please help me.

Thanks Gma.

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Mar 03, 2013
by: Audrey

If she were my child, I would contact local early intervention service providers for toddlers, and get an evaluation.

These are government agencies, and the evaluation should be free. Someone should be able to come to the home.

I say "if she were my child" because it's worth mentioning that she's not yours.

What do the parents think/want? They are the only ones who can make decisions for the child.

Nothing's stopping you from recommending they pursue it further, though!

How is her eye contact?

What about joint attention? Does she point at things, or bring you things she's interested in?

How does she make her wants and needs known (will she lead you by the hand to something she wants?)?

These are things for you to think about, not write back in a post, because I can't diagnose her over the internet sight unseen.

But, if she has problems in the above areas at the age of 21 months, there is probably more going on than just a language disorder.

Delayed language or not speaking is often the first sign of broader problems. See if you can encourage her parents to have her looked at by a team of professionals.

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