by Kay
My niece is 5 years old. She can understand clearly, and pretty much will follow every command she's given like bringing a bottle or washing hands. But she has limited vocabulary, and speaks only some sentences. When she tries to explain something I feel like she can not organize the words well, and she stops after a while. But those sentences she use, those are clear. She has attention problems, for example when her mom sits with her and try to give her some lesson on alphabets, sometimes she is not attentive. She doesn't remember colors often and will say red for blue, or green for red. She is slowly learning though and now she can write down A, B or C or numbers. But I do feel it is attention problem.
I am so terrified and hurt thinking about her. We are from Bangladesh and my sister's kid is taking speech therapy and physiotherapy but there are not proper schools for children like here, from where she can benefit. Could you kindly give me any suggestions or feedback about what her problem is? Or any expert I can email to? It would help us to a great deal if you can, please. I would very much appreciate any of your advice.
Kind Regards.
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