4 Multiple Meaning Word Activities for Speech Therapy

4 Multiple Meaning Word Activities for Speech Therapy

Many children with language delays have difficulty understanding words with multiple meanings. In this lesson you will find 4 multiple meaning word activities for speech therapy.

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Our site provides a comprehensive list of multiple meaning words that can be used with these activities.

Fill in the Blank

Read each sentence with the child and have them fill in the blank.

Each word will be used twice.

You can print the sentences or just do it auditorily. 






  1. Taylor Swift is a _______.

  2. I don’t want to lose my name tag so I will ___________ it to my shirt.

  3. Superman can _________.

  4. Twinkle twinkle little _______.

  5. Get a swatter and swat the ______.

  6. I want to eat an ice cream _________.

  7. I pull up my hair using a ________.

  8. A baby likes to _______ a rattle. 

  9. I like to eat toast with ______.

  10. When I hear loud music I like to ______.

Beanbag Toss

Materials: A beanbag or soft ball to throw

For this activity you will use our list of multiple meaning words or you can access the lists even easier on your Apple device using Word Vault.

These words are categorized by appropriate age group which is really helpful for a quick reference.

Give the students a word and briefly talk about the different meanings the word can have. Then toss a beanbag to one of the children.

Ask him/her to use the word in a sentence before they toss the beanbag to another student.

The second student will be asked to use the word in a different sentence using the alternate meaning.

This game is great for use with language groups, however if you are lucky enough to have an individual child in therapy you can toss the bean bag back and forth. 

SEE ALSO: The Best Free App for Speech Therapy

Pin the Word on the Donkey

This game will take a little bit of preparation, but it will be well worth your time considering the many uses for pin the tail on the donkey!

There are many sites that have free printables for this game... here are a couple free downloads that I thought were cute.

TimVandevall.com - Pin the Tail on the Donkey (Color)

FamilyGamesTreasurehouse.com - Pin the tail on the Donkey

This game could be used over and over again for different therapy ideas. (Thank you, laminator!)

This game is simple and motivating.

Choose a few multiple meaning words from our list.

Tape the words to the donkey’s tails.

If the child can accurately use the word in two different ways, or demonstrate knowledge of the multiple meanings, then they get a shot at pinning the tail on the donkey.

(Side note: There is another word for donkey that has multiple meanings, but we won’t get into that!! Ha ha ha. A little adult humor.)

Picture Match

Print the following words and pictures and cut them out.

Have the child match each single word to two pictures.

When all the matches have correctly been made, practice using each word in two sentences to reflect the multiple meanings. 

SEE ALSO: The Best Books for Speech Therapy Practice

Speech therapy books for targeting multiple goals

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of Multiple Meaning Word
Activities for Speech Therapy

About the Author

Lindsey is an M.S. CCC-SLP from Salt Lake City, UT. She received both her B.S. and M.S. from Utah State University. When she's not chasing her 5 crazy kids around, she enjoys creating engaging speech therapy ideas and materials. Read More

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