Make A Website About Your Passion, You'll Reap Satisfaction And Much More

It WILL take time, effort, and work to make a website. Site Build It is NOT a get rich quick scheme. If you are searching for a way to make "fast" or "easy money"...

...look in your junk e-mail.


My name is Luke. I have been married for 12 years and have 4 beautiful daughters. 

In January 2010 my wife and I were playing around with some business ideas that we wanted to try. My wife had a great idea about a way to provide speech therapy to more people. This was the reason we wanted to make a website.

Since we are both Speech-Language Pathologists it was a perfect fit for us. We both thought a website would be a good way to let others know about what we offer. Immediately after this thought came the following doubts:

  • We don't know anything about how to make a website

  • We don't know anything about how to write HTML code
  • Even if we could do the first two how would people find our website out of the millions of websites out there?

After searching on the web I found lots of links that said "Make a Website". Some were free and others were for a price.

Then I found Site Build It.

I read a lot about what they offered and was genuinely impressed.

However, the $300 a year fee was a little sketchy to me even though they reassured me with a "no questions asked" money back guarantee.

Then I read that they had a "recession buster" price of $30/month that could be canceled and refunded at any time.

I thought "Well that is what I would pay once a month to go out and eat dinner with my wife. I could afford that."I bought SBI that night and we started working on it the next day.

The End...

Learn more about how to make a website using SBI here

...O.K., so it was almost the end. Let me just brag about the things I like most about Site Build It. I am certainly not going to try to convince you because their tools speak for themselves, but most importantly...

...they work.

If you want to make a website that is profitable, you can do it with SBI.

I am NOT a fanatic of ANYTHING other than P90X and now Site Build IT. Let me tell you why:

Yes, there are easier ways to make a website. However, making money online requires more than just having a collection of Web pages. SBI! includes all the tools and a proven process required to build a long-term, profitable e-business.

SBI! is the only product that takes the time to prepare you to build a profitable business, before you jump into building your site.

For the beginner, your learning curve will be shorter and you'll bypass any show-stopping errors. For those experienced in site-building, SBI! deepens your level of understanding. No matter who you are, you are guided all the way until you succeed.

If you want to create a website and don't know what you would do it about, Brainstorm It! and Niche Choose It! show you the best path for your particular business, reveal some surprises, and help you make the right choice.

Creating webpages is as simple as riding a bike with its training wheels still attached. No need to know HTML. The block-by-block builder trains you how to write a page that is both "Search Engine and human effective."

It's simple, do-able and most importantly, effective site-building.

The block-by-block builder is perfect for beginners, but even many "advanced" users should start with this tool.

It's an excellent way to break bad habits!

SBI! has a no-risk, 30-day money back guarantee.

It's a risk-free decision that you can make with confidence and peace of mind.

The SBI! private forums provide friendly, helpful support from other Site Build It! users. Help is available from folks who are in the same place as you.

This peer-to-peer support gets you over the humps along the way in a stress-free environment. Help is available even for advanced questions. The forums are a business-building support community ready to help you succeed.

Don't just take my word for how well SBI works. Here is what other people have to say about SBI:

"I read the Action Guide, took notes, and simply trusted the CTPM System. It was very simple to build a site. I just did it one "block" at a time."

~ Luisa Cupeles

"I exercised due caution and did some more research first. I asked a few people, I dug around on the internet, and no matter where I looked, I didn't hear a bad word. Everybody said the same thing, "If you build your site with SBI, you will definitely get traffic."

~ B. Bradtke

"I was never top of my class. I'm just an average person with the motivation to change my life. I have with SBI!. You can, too. Really."

~ Jerry Mack

"I was pleasantly surprised to see my site traffic increasing, albeit slowly. I was thinking to myself, even if I didn't make any money out of this site, it would have been an accomplishment for me to have built a site with whatever little time I had."

~ Sara Ding

"I hope that more and more folks realize that Site Build It! REALLY does WORK! It was a hard decision to make "when I was outside, looking in." But it's so obvious once you get started."

~ Marc Liron

If you...
  • are passionate about doing something

  • want to legitimately "work from home"

  • are tired of the 9 to 5 grind OR

  • want boost sales at your current job

...YOU can build of profitable web business using Site Build It.

Learn more about SBI here

Whatever your goals or dreams may be, I wish you the best of luck in reaching them.


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> Make a Website