"Lazy Tongue" Diagnosis

When I was younger I was told I had a "lazy tongue". I went to a speech therapist for a while and had to practice saying words with few syllables in them e.g hip-po-pot-a-mus.

However as I've grown older it has become a struggle. People say I mumble some times and is hard to understand me sometimes.

When I read in my head, the words feel fine but when I go to say them out loud, I get jumbled and mumble. It's hard having to always try and concentrate on how I say words.

As "lazy tongue" is not a proper diagnosis, what would be the problem? And how would I help resolve it?

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Jan 06, 2022
Hope this helps
by: Anonymous

I have a lazy tongue as well. Mine is caused by emotional trauma as a child. I'm fine most days but if I get to stressed or overwhelmed I slur, lisp, stutter, or can even bite my tongue. I do tongue exercises and find ways to calm myself. It actually helps a lot. If you can't find a medical reason for yours maybe you are the same and need to try looking for a emotional reason instead.

Mar 10, 2019
I have had this problem too
by: Anonymous

About 20 years ago I noticed that I was not speaking clearly. so I went to speech therapy for a while. Then I went to get my hearing checked. I got a pair of hearing aids then my speech improved. as did my hearing.

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