Kaufman Speech Praxis Test

I am in the process of transitioning my son from Early Intervention services (under 3 year of age) to CPSE.

He is highly unintelligible when speaking spontaneously in connected speech . The psychologist reiterated this concern in her report.

However, the speech therapist said that he scored within the average range. She used the Kaufman Speech Praxis test. Does this test address individual words or connected speech?

Is there any test that focuses on a child's connected speech?

Thank you in advance!

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Feb 28, 2013
by: Audrey


The Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation does, although most SLPs use it only to test sounds in words.

Kaufman Speech Praxis is used to probe for apraxia, which is very different than an articulation or phonological disorder.

I usually start with the GFTA, and only use Kaufman when I suspect apraxia might be the cause of the speech errors.

Children who are apraxic will have inconsistent sound errors, display oral groping movements, exhibit trouble producing correct vowel sounds, and often display decreased intelligibility the more they concentrate on their speech.

Most children with severe phonological disorders do not have apraxia, however. True apraxia is actually quite rare, although I see non-SLPs (doctors) diagnosing it simply on the basis of a child being untelligible.

Intelligibility can be subjective and does not imply perfect speech. A child who says "weave me uh-wone" for "leave me alone" is intelligible.

Intelligible just means you understood what someone said.

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