Is There an "End" Near of Speech Therapy

by Sherri
(Marlton, NJ, )

Brave little boy

Brave little boy


My son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS when he was two years old. The neurologist told us that he was very close to normal.

Soon after that we started Early Intervention therapy including OT, Speech and worked with a Child Developmental Behavorist.

After a year of in-home services he was placed in an all day Autism Program for preschool in our town in New Jersey. He continued to receive OT, Speech and PT in preschool.

His biggest issue has always been his "speech". In preschool he was receiving two 30 minute speech sessions a week.

I wanted him to get more therapy.

So, we started getting him outside speech therapy through our insurance at Weisman Rehabilitation Center. We have now been doing this for four years now (increasing his therapy to 2x a week during the Summer).

Well, our son is now almost 8 years old and he has been receiving speech therapy since he was 2.

His speech is not perfect, and it will get "bumpy" especially if he gets excited. If he could just stick to slowing down his speech while talking he would be released from Weisman!

Don't misunderstand me, because at age 3 he was talking and you could not understand 90% of what he was saying.

He has made tremendous progress, and he knows what techniques to use in order for his speech to come out clearly and more fluent.

My question to you is, will he be 16 years old with speech therapy still? Or, should I get him more help somewhere else? Thank you.


Sherri Hinson

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Sep 10, 2020
Not a deaf and dumb
by: Anonymous

Please my daughter of 7years is neither deaf nor dumb but finds it difficult to speak well. What do I do?

Aug 31, 2015

by: R Lucas


First of all, hat's off to you for being such a great parent and loving your son so much to get him any help he needed.

From what I gather, your son stutters? Is that right?

You mention that his speech will get "bumpy" and that it he knows what techniques to use to be "more fluent".

If this (stuttering) is the case, and he is still receiving therapy for stuttering I can tell you that he will probably stutter for the rest of his life.

Stuttering therapy at older ages focuses on helping the person learn to strategies and confidence about being a person who stutters.

But typically people don't "get over" stuttering.

You can continue him in therapy but it will not be beneficial if you're thinking therapy is going to "cure" the stuttering.

At this point I suggest (possibly with the SLP at Weisman) talking with your son about how he feels about his speech and if he is comfortable enough with himself and his talking.

If he is totally fine with it. I would say he is good to go for now (meaning he doesn't need to continue therapy, unless there are other issues that I don't know of because I am only reading a small snapshot provided by you).

Now that doesn't mean that once he is "dismissed" that he can never go back.

If later on down the line he starts struggling with it...get him help again. There's nothing wrong with that.

I hope this helps. Best of luck with everything.


Luke Barber M.S. CCC-SLP

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