Interactive Metronome for Challenging Artic?

by Amy

Hello. I have a student who is 14 years old. He has been in speech therapy since he was 3. The target sounds left are /r/ and lateral air escape (moderate to significant) on /s/, /sh/, /ch/, and /j/.

I have tried many oral motor techniques, including Char Boschart's hierarchies and the traditional methods from like"Entire World of R" . Recently I tried the SatPac, nonsense lists, and even the Speech Buddies tools.

We have hit a wall with speech progress. Most recently we've looked into other professionals to support his progress. He saw a Brain Integration therapist for a few months.

He has made some nutritional changes (taking Zinc and Fish Oils). And I am co-treating with a Chiropractic Neurologist that his family is taking him to. He has recommended the nutrition adjustments and Interactive Metronome work.

I am wondering what speech results, if any, that anyone has seen from adding these additional therapies. Also, any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I don't want to keep moving forward with this young man but I've about emptied my bag of tricks.

Thank you.

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Feb 09, 2016
Interactive Metronome for /r/
by: Megan

Hi! I have very, very limited experience with Interactive Metronome techniques.

Currently, I have begun using a metronome for vocalic /r/ with two 4th grade boys who have persistent /r/ difficulties, and some s-blend deletion. It is something different neither boy has done before, and they are really liking it.

They are motivated to get to a "faster level," so it's helped with motivation for sure! They are making slow progress, one a little faster than the other.

I'd say that my experience using a metronome for artic therapy has been positive.

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