Incorporating Breaks / Rewards Into the CELF-P?

by J
(New Jersey)

Hi there!

I'm a beginning clinician in grad school and while writing up my first ever lesson plans to administer the CELF-P to my 3 yr old client, I can't help but think that all those subtests are going to get boring and tiring for her.

I initially planned to just do the first 3 subtests to get a Core Language score, but my supervisor said that I should attempt to get through them ALL.

That being said, how much "interruption" is acceptable with standardized tests? Can I *only* give breaks between subtests?

Can I attach little post-its with stickers on random pages to make it more exciting? The plan with the stickers would be that she will get to keep any stickers that pop up throughout the testing pages -- I'm just wondering if this kind of thing is too distracting.

Any input is MUCH appreciated.

Thank you!

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Feb 28, 2013
I agree
by: Audrey

Have you ever had to give the entire PLS in 1 sitting?

Now THAT'S painful! :)

I always break it up and give the receptive portion one day, and the expressive portion another, when I have the option.

The subtests on the CELF aren't as lengthy, and the other poster is spot on - when the child doesn't do well, you hit your ceiling pretty quickly and the test is over.

PLS requires 6 consecutive wrong answers before you can stop. And the PLS is great at throwing 1 easy question in the middle of a series of hard questions, so you only get 5 wrong in a row and you just keep going and going and going. Ugh.

Yes, give your kiddos a sticker, a goldfish cracker, a stretch break, whatever they need.

Consider developmentally appropriate expectations for a 3 year old in regard to sitting still for lengthy periods and completing non-preferred tasks.

Remember your ultimate goal is to obtain an accurate picture of the child's abilities.

A child who is tired and non compliant will not be able to show you what he is capable of.

Jan 23, 2012
by: Mtmaryslp

It is best to give breaks between subtests. At three, it won't take long to get finished with each subtest.

I usually use a visual schedule with a 1 then a little break, 2 little break, etc. then at the end have a big sticker as a tangible reward.

Be sure to watch for your basal and ceilings. I think you'll find you get through it much faster than you realize.

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