I Think I Have a Speech Problem

by Michael R.
(United States)

I'm 16 and I've been through speech therapy in the past for
a couple speech problems, which are now completely gone.

However, I have come to notice that when pronouncing medial g's I sometimes get lazy. I will say the word ignore, and it will sound like I'm saying iknore.

And I can say the word big, but when I say big deal, it sounds like bid deal. I don't know why but for some reason, my g's are affected by the next letter it seems.

Any possible suggestions would be much appreciated.

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Feb 23, 2013
You know how...
by: Hollie Barber M.S. CCC-SLP Home Speech Home

Sounds like you have identified the problem and you can say the g sound, so now you just need to make yourself do it.

Keep a list of words you have problems with.Find more g words and then you have the perfect practice material.

Say your list 10x fast everyday in front of the mirror when you wake up. Make sure you say them fast and use them in sentences as well because that's the most natural.Then you will see improvement.

If you need a list of g words HomeSpeechHome has one, just visit...


Just like anything else --- if you want to make foul shots 100% of the time when playing basketball, you got practice shooting from the line over and over till your body just knows it.

Be like Steve Nash! :)

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