How to Teach the Sound /g/

by Nazia R.
(Sri Lanka)


I am Nazia from Sri Lanka. I am a pre-school assistant teacher. When I was taking the reading from my students I came across one child who finds it difficult to say the sound /g/. He says /k/ instead. e.g. d/o/g/- he says d/o/k/.

I did try modeling the sound /g/ for him several times as well as tried isolating the sound. Then I stopped it at that moment because I did not want to stress him regarding it.

I tried modeling the sound in our native language as well. For this he did not even try saying the letter or the words that begin with it.

I would really appreciate it if you could help me out with this. I watched your videos too. So pleaaaaaaseee!

Thank You,

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Jan 21, 2014
Production of /g/
by: Rosario

The difference between the /g/ and /k/ sounds is production of voice.

It may help for you to produce the /g/ sound while having the student place his hand on your throat so he can feel the vibration of the larynx when voicing.

Then produce the /k/ while he still has the hand on your throat so he can feel there is no laryngeal vibration when producing the /k/ since it is an unvoiced sound.

Do this contrast several times while he has the hand on your throat until he can say he feels the difference.

Then have him place his hand on his throat to try to produce both sounds by contrasting them and producing voice with the /g/ in isolation and no voice when doing /k/.

If he is able to do this, then start introducing minimal pair words (i.e. dog/dock)(cap/gap) to see if he can do this with the correct production of both sounds at the end of the word while putting the hand on his throat.

Hope this helps.


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