How Long in 'Observation Mode'?


My 7 year old son has been seeing a speech pathologist for over a year now.

We go for 30 minutes every week. He originally was recommended due to a 'speech disturbance' because it was obvious there was "something there", but no one could identify what IT was.

Anyway, as I understand that some of the process is determining what the underlining condition is (for lack of a better word), I am getting concerned that we are really wasting our time?

In all the time we have spent with this Dr. he has still to come up with any sort of diagnosis, and barring that, even any sort of plan to over come the disturbance. When I asked him directly he said he was still 'observing'.

When do I call it quits? Or move on to someone else?


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Aug 17, 2016

by: R Lucas

Hi. Without seeing your son it is hard to say/judge what the Speech Pathologist is doing.

One thing I do know though is that it wouldn't take a Speech Pathologist 52 weeks at 30 mins a week to observe and make a diagnosis.

An SLP would conduct a formal assessment that could take a few sessions (depending on how deep the issues/concerns were and the child's cooperation level) to determine what the trouble (or in your words disturbance) is.

If it were me I would visit another clinic/therapist for a 2nd opinion and explain to them what has been happening.

Like I said, I can't be the judge of what is happening as an outsider looking in, but it shouldn't take that long to determine what the problem is.

Hope that helps.


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