5 Ghoulish-ly Fun Halloween Therapy Activities

The Game of BOO!

by Ellen Hajek 
(Arlington Heights, IL)

This is a game that I originally adapted from a classroom math game in a first grade classroom. I have been using it in my therapy room for 9-10 years.

The game can be used for articulation practice at a variety of levels, voice strategy review, fluency modification, grammar, language expression (sentence construction and organization), vocabulary review, word-finding (labeling, cloze activities).

You could also use direction-following or auditory memory activities, pragmatic role plays or any type of carryover reading activities with this game.

It is very versatile and could also be used with a group of students who might not be working on the same goal areas or levels - you can combine cards in the bucket! 

It is portable, easy to individualize and very easy to prepare and store. It's very motivating, as the game can change at any moment! There is lots of anticipation included! I have even made cards for home and had students share it as a homework activity. 

The game of "BOO"

Materials needed:

  • copies of articulation cards or Boardmaker cards (could use vocabulary cards, descriptive/what is silly pictures, phrases, sentences, questions...). Prepare 20-25 cards.

  • 3-5 cards that say "Boo"—must be the same size and be made from the same material as the other cards

To play the game:

Place the cards in a plastic Halloween jack-o-lantern or bag.

Participants take turns choosing a card from the container without looking into the bucket. Depending on the student’s goal, you can have them say the sound, the word, a phrase, a sentence with the word they picked, describe the picture, answer the question, use a voice or fluency modification technique, tell why the sentence is absurd, act out the 2-step direction using the embedded concept words, etc.

Anyone who gets a "Boo" card has to throw all of his/her cards back into the container and start collecting cards again on his next turn. 
Player who gets 5 cards first is the winner. 

You could use this idea for a different holiday theme or for a season or school-wide theme as well.

All ages enjoy this game and my students ask for it every year!

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