Focusing Issues

by Tammy
(Lombard, IL)

My son is 11 years old and has been in speech theropy since the age of three

He has come along way with his speech but, he is still having problems with reading, math and more.

Our other issue is staying focused, he has a very hard time with this.

Any suggestions on what i can do to help him with this?

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Jan 29, 2014
by: I also help with /r/

Attention is most certainly within the scope of practice of a Speech and Language are Short-Term memory, Executive Functioning, and a host of other things other than "fixing /r/ substitutions".

Addressing articulation errors is just the surface of what we do.

Feb 28, 2013
Attention Issues
by: Anonymous

Staying focused is an attention issue, and not something that will be helped by speech therapy.

Speech therapists cannot diagnose ADHD, or make recommendations on what to do about it, once it is diagnosed.

It's impossible for me to say what is causing your son's reading and math struggles.

It's probably a combination of factors, including the focus issues you mentioned. However, I do know that speech difficulties do not cause these things, and speech therapy will not cure them.

If your son is 11 and has been in speech therapy since the age of 3, I truly hope it is to target language difficulties, and not his articulation.

By the age of 11, most kids - but boys especially - are "done" with it and have no interest in or motivation for improving their sounds.

Articulation therapy at this age can be worse than merely a waste of time. If he's getting pulled out of class at school to go to therapy for articulation in 5th or 6th grade, he's likely missing vital classroom instruction.

If he's struggling in math and reading, he needs to be in class as much as possible.

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