Fluharty vs. PLS-4 Preschool Speech Language Screening

by Mimi
(United States)

I just stumbled upon this website and love it! I have a question regarding speech/language screening test for preschool age.

Would you recommend the PLS-4 Screening Test or Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test? Your input would be much appreciated!

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Nov 13, 2019
Advocate question
by: Anonymous

A student I am working with had a fluharty screening test. I am trying to figure out the subtests, they list the following: articulation, describing actions, comprehension, repetition. These subtest do not match the ones on this site and there are only four that I listed and it looks like you have five. Why are the headings different? is there other subtests that are missing? Is there a parent checklist/form to fill out as part of the test? Can you tell me the subtests that are missing?

Thank you!

Aug 04, 2019
Fluharty vs PLS screening
by: Gina

Fluharty-2 gives standard scores. PLS-4 is a criterion-based screening. Some school districts require standard scores to determine pass/fail.

Oct 16, 2017
by: Anonymous

Actually, the Fluharty is titled a "speech and language screening test". I do understand, though, that test vs screening can be confusing.

Mar 20, 2013
HomeSpeechHome's Speech and Language Screenings
by: Luke from HomeSpeechHome


Thanks for the great question. I have more experience with the PLS-4 screening, so out of the 2 options you said I would probably choose that one.

However, I am extremely biased toward our very own speech and language screeners which are very quick, comprehensive, and online.

You can access them free...forever...at...


Have a great day!


Feb 28, 2013
I've Used Both
by: Anonymous

I don't have a preference. I've also used the DIAL4, and a screener I found at mommyspeechtherapy.com I don't think it really matters.

Please don't call a screener a test.

A screen is not a test. A true screen merely indicates pass/fail, and tells you whether or not you need to pursue it further.

I realize the Fluharty gives a standard score (so does the DIAL4), but this really is fairly meaningless.

It's still just a screen.

I'm not trying to nitpick, but parents use the terms screen, test, evaluation, assessment interchageably all the time.

Parents tell me their child has had a speech evaluation, and all that's really happened is someone sat down and made the child say 10 words.

If something can be done in 10 minutes, it's not an evaluation.

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