Fairy tales

The child I teach has difficultly asking descriptive questions so the Headbanz game can be tricky for them to use. I felt that using pictures with a recognizable story would be a better starting point for them.

After a few weeks of reading and re-reading fairy tales I use clip art pictures on the headband to see if the children can recall a character and from which story. Example - A picture of Goldilocks = I have golden hair and I like to eat porridge that's not to hot, or to cold, just right. A picture of a Troll = I hide under a bridge and say "Who's that trotting across my bridge?" A picture of baby bear = I am crying because someone has eaten all my porridge, and broken my chair.

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Jun 16, 2020
Fairy tales idea
by: Anonymous

Excellent idea to use fairy tales to target language, articulation, fluency with Headbanz! I will try that!

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