
by Rigo

Does the food that goes down the trechea eventually gets re routed to your stomach or does it go into your lungs and does that cause serius health issues?

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Mar 07, 2012
by: Luke B


Food that goes down the trachea does not re-route to the stomach, rather it stays in your lungs.

Having food and liquid go into your lungs is very very bad. It can cause a person to get pneumonia and if not treated...pneumonia can kill you.

Most people who have problems with food or liquid going into their airway (trachea) usually...

1. Get speech and language therapy for dysphagia.

2. Get put on a modified diet (which means they need/have to eat pureed or mechanical soft foods, and drink thickened liquids).

3. Have to have alternative forms of nutrition via a feeding tube whether through the stomach (G-tube, PEG tube) or through the nose (NG-tube).

Some people do have what's called silent aspiration which is even more dangerous. This means food and liquid are going into the lungs and don't know it.

So in short...if you or someone you know, knows that they are having this issue...see your physician right away.

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