Can a 15 Year Old Take Speech Therapy with Success?

by Andrew Chang

I am a 15 year old male having trouble pronouncing R and L.

Early in my life, Kindergarten through 2nd grade, I took speech therapy. I did not know what it was, and I didn't take it too seriously, which led to a problem.

However, because I cannot pronounce certain syllables, I am extremely shy, don't call people by their names (which makes me forget them), and HATE public speaking.

I always wished I could speak correctly, but this is my first step to actually doing something.

So, back to the title.

How can I get speech therapy as a 15 year old?

Will it work? or have I spoken too much to make a difference? Is there an online site you would recommend?

Thank you, Andrew

PS: I have not told my parents about this, it seems far too embarrassing.

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Apr 29, 2021
Habit Breaking
by: Anonymous

I just took my habit breaker out and while i had it in i had a lisp i just had it taken out today after 1 year and 4 months and I still have it, is the lisp permanent or will my natural talking come back eventually.

Aug 31, 2015

by: R Lucas


Short answer to your question...Yes, therapy can help you.

Especially because you are motivated to make a change.

Second thing. Don't be embarrassed. Life's too short. Talk with your parent's about it, let them know that you want to make a change and ask for their help/support (depending what you feel comfortable with, I obviously don't know what your relationship with them is).

The R and L sounds (most specifically the R) can be difficult to correct since (according to you) you've been saying incorrectly for so long.

However, you can learn/be taught how to say sounds correctly. It just may (or may not) take you longer to change your habit of how you say it.

You can do it though. I have faith in you.

Contact a local Speech Pathologist and tell them your story and discuss your options.

I hope this helps.


Luke Barber M.S. CCC-SLP

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