5 Ghoulish-ly Fun Halloween Therapy Activities

Build-a-Leprechaun (or other Build-a-Game) Speech Therapy Activities

by Amanda Schaumburg 
(Amarillo, TX)

This is a game structured like the game Cooties. 

You have to roll a die to earn pieces for your leprechaun (I've also made a bumble bee, snowman, valentine, Christmas tree, pumpkin, and chick). The students have fun collecting the different pieces to put on their building board!

For example: if a one is rolled you get a head, a two - you get the shirt, a three - you get the legs, a four - you get eyes, ect.

The objective is to be the first one to build your leprechaun.

I sometimes take away that objective and just make it for everyone to complete their board (for those groups who are overly competitive).

The great thing about this game is that you can use it to target any skill. The student practices their objective before each turn. I have used this with fluency, articulation, language, and even with students using AAC!

I also created companion decks to go along with these games that target these language areas: categories, WH questions, irregular plural/verbs, functional vocabulary, and compare/contrast. These decks have a target on each card with a die on the back.

The students have to choose a card that corresponds to the die they rolled and then they get a piece to build their leprechaun (or other theme) after they answer the objective question on the card.

I love these decks for my language groups because it's a direct way to target their objectives with the game (instead of having to use separate materials).

For articulation I have the students practice with a flash card app on my iPad between turns. I have considered making articulation companion decks too!

My students love this game so much so I started making more to use all year round (themed for holidays) These activities were all created by me! (through TPT) and I use them all the time!!

My students have begged me for them! I am about to use my Build-A-Chick game for Easter! 

Example goal: The student will answer WH questions using functional vocabulary in structured tasks with 70% accuracy and minimum cueing.

Age group: Pk-3rd (although I have used with older students!)

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