Automatic Speech Tasks for Speech Therapy Practice
As promised here are the words for your unlimited use.
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Automatic Speech Tasks
- Say the ABC's
- Sing "Amazing Grace" / Hymn
- Count to 10
- Sing Happy Birthday
- Days of the week
- Months of the Year
- Answer the phone
- Knock/Answer the door
Common Sayings
- It's raining cats _______.
- I have butterflies in _______.
- You are barking up _______.
- I escaped by the skin _______.
- He flies by the seat _______.
- I am feeling fit as _______.
- The teacher has eyes _______.
- Don't let the cat out _______.
- You're off your _______.
- The pen is mightier _______.
- All in a day's _______.
- You're the apple of _______.
- You're between a rock and _______.
- Don't bite off more than _______.
- Caught with your hand in the _______.
- That's like the blind leading _______.
- Not to toot my _______.
- I woke up on the wrong _______.
- Dad is bringing home _______.
- I'm burning the candle on _______.
- We're burning the mid- _______.
- Eat, drink, and _______.
- You woke up on the _______.
- You are two peas _______.
- The apple doesn't fall _______.
- He is a chip off _______.
- Elephant in the _______.
- Put your foot in _______.
- I don't want to step _______.
- I don't want to reign _______.
- I have a skeleton _______.
- Snug as a bug _______.
- Goodnight, sleep _______.
- I wear my heart _______.
- Don't cry over _______.
- Liar liar, pants _______.
- I'm lying through _______.
- You win some and _______.
- You can't teach an old dog _______.
- You can lead a horse to water, but _______.
- You snooze _______.
- The early bird _______.
- Peek-a-_______
- Coast-to-_______
- Forget-me-_______
- A dozen _______
- Mother-in-_______
- Trick or _______
- Jack-in-the-_______
- Sink or _______
- Kick the _______
- Knock on _______
- Hang by _______
- Head over _______

Musical Rhythms
- Row Row Row Your Boat
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
- Star Spangled Banner
- I'm a Little Tea Pot
- Three Blind Mice
- Happy Birthday
Nursery Rhymes
- Row Row Row Your Boat
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
- Humpty Dumpty
- Little Miss Muffet
- Jack Be Nimble
"And" Phrases
- Show and _______
- Hug and _______
- Mom and _______
- Peanut butter and _______
- Salt and _______
- Thunder and _______
- Lettuce and _______
- Thick and _______
- Tried and _______
- Rock and _______
- Hide and _______
- Birds and the _______
- Sweet and _______
- Bread and _______
- Cheese and _______
- Hop, skip, and _______
- Trial and _______
- Bow and _______
- Jekyll and _______
- Batman and _______
- Bonnie and _______
- Cat and _______
- Breaking and _______
- Stop, look, and _______
- Cream and _______
- Queen and _______
- Night and _______
- Girls and _______
- Spaghetti and _______
- Beauty and _______
"Of" Phrases
- A bar of _______
- A bed of _______
- A bunch of _______
- A cup of _______
- A dose of _______
- A flock of _______
- A gallon of _______
- A glass of _______
- A head of _______
- A loaf of _______
- A lump of _______
- A pack of _______
- A pair of _______
- A pinch of _______
- A pitcher of _______
- A pot of _______
- A pound of _______
- A side of _______
- A spoonful of _______
- A stalk of _______
- A stick of _______
- A swarm of _______
- A tube of _______
- A yard of _______
- The Statue of _______
- Chairman of the _______
- The Declaration of _______
- Cream of the _______
Verb Phrases
- We build a _______
- We button our _______
- We buy some _______
- We chop some _______
- We clean the _______
- We climb a _______
- We comb our _______
- We curl our toes _______
- We draw a _______
- We dry the _______
- We empty the _______
- We feed the _______
- We fly a _______
- We hear a _______
- We milk a _______
- We mow the _______
- We open the _______
- We pay a _______
- We read a _______
- We ring a _______
- We scrub the _______
- We sharpen a _______
- We shut the _______
- We sing a _______
- We tell a _______
- We turn on the _______
- We wash our _______
- We water the _______
- We win a _______
- We wrap a _______
- We stop at a red _______
This list of functional words was professionally selected to be the most useful for a child or adult who has difficulty with this language principle.
We encourage you to use this list when practicing at home.
Home practice will make progress toward meeting individual language goals much faster.
Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are only able to see students/clients 30-60 mins (or less) per week. This is not enough time or practice for someone to strengthen their understanding of this important language concept.
Every day that your loved one goes without practice it becomes more difficult to help them.
We know life is busy , but if you're reading this you're probably someone who cares about helping their loved one as much as you can.
Practice 5-10 minutes whenever you can, but try to do it on a consistent basis (daily).
Please, please, please use this list to practice.
It will be a great benefit to you and your loved one's progress.
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