Articulation Problem

I'm 17 and in the last couple of years I've developed a problem with articulating words in speech.

I can sound out individual sounds(although I do struggle with the "r" sound sometimes), but when I have to form sentences at a normal speed, it often comes out really inarticulately.

The other thing is that my speaking ability is very inconsistent. Some days I will have no trouble conversing normally, but other days I will find it really hard.

I'm just wondering whether I'll be able to improve articulation just by practicing to myself, or whether a therapist might be necessary.


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Oct 01, 2013
Talk to your doctor
by: Jennifer L, SLP

There are many different things that could be causing your speech problem and I wouldn't feel right trying to guess judging only by what you've written here.

Since this has been going on for quite a while now, I would strongly encourage you to see your doctor.

That way, he or she can lead you in the best direction to get this figured out and to find the most appropriate treatment for you.

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