Articulation and Syllable Deletion in 2 1/2 Year Old

by Mandy
(Bismarck, ND USA)

My daughter is unintelligible to most people.

She has articulation issues as well as first and last syllable deletion. She tends to jumble words together or skip some altogether when she talks in sentences.

She didn't qualify for early intervention because she doesn't have a vocabulary issue.

My question is, what can I do at home until she turns 3 and is eligible for assistance through school system?

We don't have good insurance and can't afford speech therapy.

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Apr 16, 2014
Articulation and Syllable Deletion
by: Rosario

Pay if you can for a private speech-Language evaluation, obtain the written report, and see if the place can design for her a home program that you can implement at home since you cannot afford private speech therapy.

If you have a tablet, there is a free app by called Quick Artic, and it has a list of all the sounds.

Start working with early developmental sounds such as p,b,m at the beginning of words. (i.e. pie, ball, man). Use the free resources at, and model slow speech for your daughter when speaking to her, or repeating to her a word she has difficulty saying.

Also check website for ideas, as well as for materials.

You can develop a speech notebook for her. Print from the internet or have her with your help cut pictures from a magazine that begin with the sound you are working on, divide the notebook by the sound you are working on, and paste them there.

Then you can review with her on a daily basis all the pictures by having her repeat the names, then name them on her own, and later make sentences with them, with your help.

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