Apraxia or Late Talker?

by Jessica
(Boston, MA)

My daughter is 25 months old. Appears very normal in all aspects of her development, however I am slightly concerned about her speech.

Her receptive language is wonderful and I am not concerned about any developmental delays. She uses well over 100 words and adds new words daily.

The problem is she only uses one word at a time (mostly). She does say love you, help me, get down, get up but these seem to be "holistic" to me. They don't seem spontaneously put together.

She does have difficulty at times putting longer words together and imitating phrases that I say. Her vocabulary has a wide variety of verbs, nouns, and some pronouns and adjectives.

Her language is intelligble to myself and close family members. I am a teacher and unfortunately have a lot of access to information, but I am far from an expert.

Is she still in the normal range or should I get her checked out for having a motor planning problem?

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Feb 28, 2013
Not apraxia
by: Audrey

If she's intelligible at 25 months, it's not apraxia.

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