The Action Bag Speech Therapy Activity

The Action Bag Endless Edutainment

Title: The Action Bag

Contributor: Hollie Barber, M.S.CCC-SLP from HomeSpeechHome


To be more active through creative and absurd actions, while targeting articulation errors, language concepts, or fluent speech strategies, etc.

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Toddler to School-age

  • Action Slips PDF (Free Download) You will need Adobe Reader.

    Cut and place in paper bag or other container - decorated and labeled for fun if you want

  • Cards with selected target words pictured or written

Take turns with your client picking a target card and say the word on it three times. Then pick an Action-Slip and do what it says to do with the card. Absolutely no laughing and no having fun...wink wink!  

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How to use if for...


The client can practice target sounds at any level by using the target word card as prompt, then doing the Action-Slip in the same way.


This activity is perfect for learning and practicing new verbs without any target cards because each Action-Slip contains a verb such as kiss, kick, run, dance, throw, hop, sing, etc.

The target word cards could also be new vocabulary words, grammar parts, or concepts that the client needs to learn.

Categorization/ classification could also be worked on by having the client place the target card in the correct group before performing each Action-Slip.

To practice describing items using adjectives, a skill that is difficult for many children with language delays, the child could give 2-3 qualities of the target card before picking an Action-Slip.


The client could practice good social skills such as turn taking, topic maintenance, eye contact, using and reading nonverbal body language while conversing about the target word card before doing each Action-Slip.

The target cards could also be common problems, social scenarios, or figurative language to discuss before the client picks an Action-Slip.  


The client could produce target words with "stretchy, smooth" speech or while using a reduced rate, or with easy onset, depending on your method.

The fluency method could be practiced at any level of the linguistic hierarchy depending on your directions and the model you give. Then it would be followed by picking an Action-Slip.


The client would try to produce each target word, or sentence from target word, with correct air support, volume, resonation, or chunking/phrasing, etc. depending on your target behavior.

Then the Action-Slip would be chosen and followed.

SEE ALSO: The Best Books for Speech Therapy Practice

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For Parents:

Cut out the Action-Slips. Fold the slips and put them in a brown paper bag. Write "ACTION BAG" on it and let your child quickly add their personal touch. Take turns with your child.

Pick a card from your child's practice words and say the word three times. Then pick an Action-Slip and do what it says.

Absolutely no laughing and no having fun...wink wink!

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