9 yr old son stutters


My 9 year old son has stuttered for years. I was always told he would "grow out of it" so I never took him to a therapist. At times he would seem to have grown out of it; however, it is still there.

It also seems I can't understand him sometimes. As in the quality of his speech, like his tongue is thick and he has a lot of saliva keeping his words from being spoken clearly. My question is, is it too late to help him with his speech?

I know that speech therapy is usually done at an early age, but can older children receive therapy and it be beneficial?

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Sep 11, 2017
It's possible
by: Anonymous

I'm not an expert at all, but I've done a little research on children/speech due to my nephew having some issues.

According to an article authored by a speech therapist, he was able to completely "cure" his 9 year old son's stuttering--specifically, no serious treatment until 9 years old. I thought that pretty impressive, since I also read somewhere else that the chances of eliminating a child's stutter starts going down after the age of 8.

Keep in mind, this is just anecdotal, so I have no idea whether this is common or not, or how easy/difficult the process is. Either way, I would definitely try treatment anyway--low risk/high reward.

I wish you goodluck and all the best!

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