8 year old started stuttering worse than ever

by Vikki Snape
(west midlands)

I am feeling very upset and worried for my little boy,he turns 9 in a few weeks.and has recently developed a stutter,his speech has always been fine,not totally fluent however never stuttering like this,he started a few weeks ago just dragging start of sentence eg. d d d don't do that.

Now instead of this he is almost getting stuck at the word and not able to say it when he wants too.

Any help Advice or anything would be really appreciated at this time,I am getting him to docs tom then hopefully referred to speech therapy!thanks for reading!hope you can help me and my son!

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Dec 13, 2020
Same here
by: Anonymous

My daughter has started stuttering a few weeks ago at the age of 7.5. She is doing a lot of letter repetitions and struggles to start many words.
How is your son doing now? Did you do therapy and did it help? Thanks

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