8 Year Old - Is There a Problem?

by Kat

My boyfriend's 8 year old brother speaks in a weird way.

He takes an unusually long time to formulate sentences, they are often very choppy and unclear and he often speaks in a weird voice and places accents on random words.

He sometimes loses his train of thought and stops mid-sentence or takes a long time to think of the next word. He doesn't speak as fluently as other 8 year-old's and even some younger children.

My boyfriend thinks his little brother might have a speech problem or learning disability.

Can anyone offer advice?

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Mar 17, 2015
seems to be
by: Anonymous

I'm not sure how your boyfriend's family would receive it, but I would encourage your boyfriend to suggest his brother have a speech-language evaluation done. The sooner, the better, since he is already 8 years-old.

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