6 Years Old - Uncontinuous Speech

by Prasanna

My son is 6 years old.

From the day he started to speak he couldn't speak continuously instead of saying,"I want this book", he says,"I waaaaaaaaant this boooook".

Pulling and struggling to say a sentence. If he speaks slowly he is good, but if he wants to speak faster he can't.

He is feeling guilty among friends.

What should I do for my son.

Please help me.

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Apr 22, 2014
6 Years-Old; Uncontinuous Speech
by: Anonymous

I suggest that you request a speech evaluation from your son's school-based speech-language pathologist.

Very unfortunately, the referral/testing process can be lengthy. Be persistent and ask frequently when you can expect the evaluation to be completed.

If you are able, contacting a Speech-Language Pathologist in private practice for an evaluation is optimal. Private practitioners are able to provide individualized services that school-based SLPs usually cannot.

Try exploring websites related to stuttering; you will be able to find some good information, suggestions, etc. Do you live near a public University?

If so, see if they have a speech-language clinic.

Best of luck to your little fella!!!

Nov 07, 2013
6 Year Old Uncontinuous Speech
by: Rosario

Take your son, as soon as you can, to be evaluated by a Speech-Language Pathologist as per your description he appears to be stuttering.

In the meantime, model for him speaking slowly.

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