2 Year Old Therapy in English

by Natasha

My son is 2 year old and says only about 30 words (with meaning) lots with no meaning but he communicates well. He also signs for a lot of things.

He is very bright on everything else, connects, follows all commands, plays well etc.

Do you think I should get him evaluated, my only concern is that we speak another language at home and I'm worried he will get more confused if he needs to get therapy in English.

Please help!!!

Thanks in advance!

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Jun 18, 2013
2 Year Old Emerging Skills
by: Chris, SLP

Your child seems to be learning language but possibly needs more reason to use verbal skills. Sometimes we, as moms, anticipate and give our children what they need before they ask for something. If you sign to him, make sure you also say the word. You can support language learning by not anticipating his needs and encouraging him to say what he needs. Also give him choices instead of one item, asking "Do you want milk or juice?"

Perhaps wait a bit longer for an evaluation due to the second language issue if you do not speak any English at home. If you speak English, but not to him, he may not be hearing language modeling from the adults in his environment. Listening to adult exchanges is a way children begin to learn how interactive communication works.

If he does not begin to use two words soon or does not seem to be acquiring new words on a weekly basis, then a screening may be a good idea.

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