My 19 month old grandson had about 10 words when he was 12 months old. At 19 months old - he barely speaks.
The only word we can "make him" say is "Ta" (before giving him things). He can hear OK - hears helicopters, birds planes outside.
But only uses Daddy, star, eyes, dark, down and Orion (a type of plane) but thats about it.
If you ask him what something is he wont tell you, but will point out objects in a book if you catch him in the right mood. He has only once said his name - when I caught him unawares.
We read to him often, and he gets heaps of one on one. He also says a lot of very infantile words like da, goo. His sister was speaking in 4 words sentences at this age.
I know he's a boy, but I'm getting a bit worried as he is making no progress.
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