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**Use for templates with tables**
The Test of Auditory Comprehension of Language – third edition (TACL-3) is designed to measure a child's knowledge of specified lexical and grammatical forms. It is comprised of three subtests. Each subtests derives a scaled score where the mean is 10 and 7 to 13 is the range of average. All three subtests are then combined to derive the Total Score where the mean is 100 and the standard deviation is 15. The first, Vocabulary measures the comprehension of the literal and most common meanings of word classes. obtained a standard score of which is at the th percentile. The Grammatical Morphemes subtest measures the comprehension of morphemes such as prepositions, nouns number and cases, etc. obtained a standard score of which is at the th percentile. Finally, the Elaborated Phrases and Sentences subtest measures comprehension of elaborated sentence constructions, including the modalities of single and combined constructions embedded sentences etc. obtained a standard score of which is at the th percentile. Therefore, obtained a Total Score standard score of , which is at the th percentile. This is considered to be when compared to age peers. Analysis of responses indicated difficulty comprehending .