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Functional Communication Profile-Revised 

The Functional Communication Profile – Revised was utilized to assess and rate the major categories of XXX’s communication, regardless of the form of communication (sign, nonverbal, augmentative).   There is no scoring system.  Rather, the profile gives an overall inventory of the individual's communication abilities, mode of communication, and degree of independence.  The profile yielded the following information in these areas:

Sensory Motor: XXX was able to      .  He/She demonstrated difficulties        

Attentiveness: XXX was able to XXX.  He/She demonstrated difficulties     

Receptive Language: XXX was able to      .  He/She demonstrated difficulties        

Expressive Language: XXX was able to      .  He/She demonstrated difficulties        

Pragmatic/Social Language: XXX was able to      .  He/She demonstrated difficulties        

Speech: XXX was able to      .  He/She demonstrated difficulties     

Voice: XXX was able to      .  He/She demonstrated difficulties        

Oral: XXX was able to      .  He/She demonstrated difficulties        

Fluency: XXX was able to      .  He/She demonstrated difficulties     

Non-Oral Communication: XXX was able to      .  He/She demonstrated difficulties        

(Be sure that subject/verb agreement and grammar is corrected when you copy/paste the information. (For example: XXX was able to look at desired object. He/She had difficulty looking at desired object.) Also, change the information as needed. For example< No difficulties with hearing or visual skills must be changed if the student has a hearing impairment.) You can add more detail depending on the results of your evaluation)

The Functional Communication Profile-Revised (FCP-R) yields an overall inventory of the individual’s communication abilities, mode of communication (e.g. verbal, sign, nonverbal, augmentative) and degree of independence.  Clients are assessed and rated in the major skills categories of communication through direct observation, teacher and caregiver reports and one on one testing.  The results for XXX include: 

Skill Evaluated Skill to Copy/Paste for Strengths/Weaknesses
SENSORY/MOTOR- auditory, visual, gross-motor, and fine-motor skills and behavior No difficulties with hearing or visual skills
Adequate eye contact
Accepts being physically guided
Imitates motor movements unprompted, but is less precise with fine motor movements
Inappropriate behaviors observed and reported
Poor social boundaries (grabs/touches others, especially to get attention)
Poor safety awareness
ATTENTIVENESS- attention span, alertness, response levels, cooperation, and level of awareness Adequate attention span when engaged in developmentally appropriate tasks/activities
Almost never distractible
Adequate level of alertness
Impulsivity when responding, especially to picture-pointing tasks
Adequate awareness of others
Moderate awareness of environmental events
Adequate cooperation
RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE- comprehension of verbal and nonverbal language and basic concepts, interest in pictures and objects, following commands, and object and two-dimensional recognition.

Comprehends only familiar, direct requests in familiar situations
Does not understand any basic concepts (e.g., colors, body parts, same/different, etc.)
Responds to his name on request and consistently
Responds to attention commands (e.g., “No”, “Stop”, “Look” with gestures or physical prompts
Looks at pictures with interest
Accepts objects presented to him
Gives objects to speaker by request, but unable to give specific objects named
Follows some routine and environmental commands, but requires gestures, verbal prompts, routine, situational cues, and/or physical prompts at times
Comprehends voice affect of speaker, intonation changes, and facial expressions
Does not identify objects except for a very limited number of familiar items
Recognizes that photos and color drawings represent objects and uses pictures for communication

EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE- verbal and nonverbal communication, manner and modality of communication, quality of self-expression, object use and interactions, cause and effect, vocabulary, grammar, and phrase length Nonverbal communicator or limited communcator
Uses single words
Uses sounds, gestures (e.g., pointing, reaching), eye gaze, sounds, facial expressions, manipulating others, and picture exchange system to communicate
Expresses interests/preferences
Operates items for cause and effect
Plays with a variety of objects appropriately for developmental level
Uses picture exchange, reaching, and pointing to express choices
Whines and cries to express displeasure
Smiles and laughs to express pleasure
Does not express name or label objects
Uses common gestures such as reaching, pointing, and waving
PRAGMATIC/SOCIAL LANGUAGE- communicative intent; questioning skills; conversational skills; turn-taking; topic initiation, maintenance, and elaboration; appropriateness of communication; reading/literacy; writing/spelling, and memory Communicative intentions include requesting item/action, gaining attention, protesting/resisting, requesting assistance, calling/summoning adults, and interrupting others
Initiates communication with adults frequently when one on one or in a small group in particular
Unable to answer questions, even nonverbally
Communication partners are primarily adults
SPEECH- intelligibility of sounds produced, dentition, and oral-motor imitation Nonverbal with limited sounds and combinations vocalized
Produces limited number speech sounds (e.g., vowels, b, p, m, t, n, y, k, g ) and non-speech sounds
Imitates some oral-motor movements like opening and closing his mouth
VOICE- loudness, vocal quality, and pitch Excessive loudness at times and inappropriate to setting
Nonverbal-vocal quality not assessed
Nonverbal-vocal pitch not assessed
ORAL- mouth breathing, drooling, tongue thrust, and swallowing/diet Mouth breather
Drooling absent
Tongue protrudes during swallow
Gastrotomy tube present
FLUENCY- fluency, rate of speech, and rhythm and intonation Nonverbal-fluency not assessed
Slow/labored speech
NON-ORAL COMMUNICATION- use of sign language, two-dimensional expression, yes/no, fine motor abilities, and effectiveness of current augmentative or alternative communication disorders Uses picture exchange communication system from a field of multiple pictures to request items/actions from adults
Expresses yes/no by accepting or rejecting items
Current system of communication is effective for conveying preferences and wants

The Functional Communication Profile-Revised is a criterion referenced communication assessment of students with developmental and acquired delays, across age ranges. Eleven major communication skill categories and related aspects are assessed including: Sensory/ Motor, Attentiveness, Receptive Language, Expressive Language, Pragmatic/Social language, Speech, Voice, Oral, Fluency, and Non-Oral Communication . The profile targets practical skills individuals with developmental and acquired delays encounter daily and summarizes the impact on the student from no impact (within normal limits) to profoundly impacting the student in their everyday communication.